توصيف المقرر


Study the structure, properties and function of biomolecules and their transformation in the cells.


Structure, properties and function of carbohydrates, lipids, amino, acids, proteins, nucleotides and nucleic acids in cells – Enzymes and their roles in catalyzing biochemical reactions – coenzymes – Generation and transduction of energy in the cell. Biosynthesis of some biomolecule


Please ask your lab instructor for more details about the lab work. 


To do well, students should attend class and take very detailed notes. You should rely on your lecture notes rather than the text as your primary study resource. You will be responsible for everything covered in lecture, but not responsible for material that is covered in the text but not in lecture. It is not possible to cover all the topics in the text. To get most out of the lectures, it is recommended you read the text before lecture, and then reread the text in more detail after the lecture to make sure you understand all concepts. The lectures move quite rapidly, so reading the text before lecture will improve your comprehension. Always go over your lecture notes within a day of the lecture. 


Attendance & Tardiness

  • Any student-missing class/classes will be counted absent and her absence will fall within the 25% absence range.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to make sure she is not missing any exam, quizzes or any other course class assignments. All students are responsible for work missed during their absence. The course instructor is NOT obliged to repeat her lecture or coursework missed by the student due to her absence.

Students are expected to meet the following

  • Be punctual in coming to class. You will be marked absent if you enter the class after 10 minutes of starting time.
  • Absenteeism for more than 25% of allocated course lectures, will entitle the instructor to stop you from attending the final exam. You will receive an F grade.
  • Turn off mobile telephones during classes. If a mobile rings during class, it will be taken from the student and returned only at the end of the semester.
  • Do not leave the classroom except in case of emergency and when the instructor gives you the permission to do so.
  • There might be a quiz after each chapter (topic) is finished (optional). These quizzes will not be repeated.
  • Any late/missed assignments will not be accepted after the due date, automatically resulting in a zero. 
  • Food and drink are not allowed in the class.

آخر تحديث
8/31/2015 1:15:02 AM